Dry ice can be just what the doctor ordered to introduce some spectacular element of spookiness in your Halloween party this fall. In essence, this amazing product is quite simply the frozen form of the gas carbon dioxide. When compared with water ice, dry ice when heated does not pass through a liquid state. Rather, it sublimates into gaseous form. This, in turn, makes it infinitely suited for use to create a variety of fun and non-toxic visual effects. As such, there are numerous reasons why you should integrate a dry ice show into your Halloween celebrations.
In the first place, making use of this product can introduce an ethereal and unusual aspect to your party in ways that you would have never thought possible. This, of course, perfectly suits the spooky theme of Halloween in a markedly convenient and hassle-free manner. Also, dry ice is now made available at very pocket-friendly prices, and you will not have to break a bank to add an unexpected and surreal aspect to your Halloween celebrations. At the same time, this frozen carbon dioxide is widely available, and there are many vendors such as Eureka Oxygen who offer dry ice services including doorstep deliveries. Lastly, when you follow a number of precautions, handling dry ice in the residential setting is completely safe.
What are the different ways you may use dry ice this Halloween?
When it comes to how to make use of dry ice for your upcoming Halloween celebrations, you will always be spoilt for choices. This is particularly so in terms of the many different ways you may utilize it to create spectacular visual effects. First of all, you could use it to produce splendid fog floor displays in your home. Since it is much heavier than air, sublimated dry ice will enable you to wow your family and friends as they dance around a spooky foggy floor. On the other hand, you could up the ante by deciding to create more visually spectacular fog effects in your home this Halloween.
To create the fog effects, you can simply add dry ice pellets into heated water including that of your swimming pool, jacuzzi, or even hot tubs. Using hot water with dry ice will enable you to produce much more dramatic visual effects that will leave your family and friends enchanted in keeping with Halloween’s general theme.
Additionally, you should know that diminutive chunks of dry ice present more surface to ultimately produce a much greater volume of eerie fog. To be able to create this spectacular fog effect for longer, make sure you keep the water consistently heated. As it proceeds to cool down (at around -50oC),the dry ice will gradually stop producing the fog effects. However, it will still continue to go through the sublimation process and make the water bubble.
Finally, you may use dry ice to create what is commonly known as “dry ice cocktails.”
Nevertheless, always make sure you do not introduce the dry ice pellets directly into the drinks you serve your guests. This is simply because when they are swallowed, they will give rise to health issues including causing internal injuries due to their extremely low temperature. To be able to use dry ice safely to create dry ice cocktails, you can utilize chilli-sticks. Generally speaking, virtually all varieties of chilli-sticks come complete with locking capsules which are in a position of holding at least a single dry ice pellet. When used appropriately, each chilli-stick will produce between 3 – 5 minutes worth of mesmerizing fog effects dependent on the exact volume of liquid contained in your cocktail glasses. Some other ways you could use dry ice to create visually stunning effects this coming Halloween include creating spooky Jack-o-lanterns or even creepy dessert presentations to mention just a few.
How to make use of dry ice to produce visual effects safely this Halloween
Like it was earlier stated, using dry ice to create spectacular visual effects can be totally safe when you follow a few instructions. To begin with, never attempt to handle dry ice with your bare hands. This product is much colder when contrasted with water ice (-78oC). In the unfortunate event it comes into contact with your hands or skin, it will cause painful freezer burns. So, always make sure you are wearing protective gloves whenever you handle dry ice.
On the flip side, carbon dioxide gas happens to be much heavier than ambient air and displaces oxygen when released into the air like when dry ice goes through the sublimation process. Also, a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air will invariably reduce the amount of oxygen in it. This can cause breathing challenges when someone inhales it for prolonged periods of time. Therefore, always make sure you only create dry ice fog effects in well-ventilated areas of your home. On a parting shot, like previously mentioned, dry ice isn’t fit for human consumption, and you should always keep it out of reach of children.
Eureka Oxygen is a leading vendor of dry ice products. It also specializes in offering a variety of welding equipment and welding supplies including quality welders and welding safety gear. Eureka Oxygen also vends a number of industrial and cylinder gas supplies at competitive pricing.